1. |
A Review on Human Gender Classification Based on Face Feature Extraction
Ms. Sharvari A. Kulkarni, Mr. Pradip C. Bhaskar
2. |
Improving Performance of Heterogeneous Hadoop Clusters using Map Reduce for Big Data
Dr. Mahesh Kumar Singh, Alok Sachan
3. |
Point of Interest Recommendation using User Preferences, Check–in History and Friend’s Interest
Deepali J. Erande, Mrs .Archana Chaugule
4. |
A survey on web Crawler for deep web Interfaces
Miss. Tejaswini Patil, Mr.Santosh Chobe
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A Survey on Secure Web Based Medical Data Transmission for eHealth
Madhuri Kethari, Prof. Latika Desai
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Literature Survey on Model Driven Testing- Functional Test Case Generation with Redundancy Check and Model Paradigm Approach
Suparna Naik, P A Jadhav
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A Survey on Wavelet Based Bio-Medical Data Compression Scheme
Madhuri Kethari, Prof. Latika Desai
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Recruiters Selection Strategy and its Effectiveness: An Analysis of Soft Set Approaches
Bhabani Sankar Ratha, Kailash Chandra Nayak
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Application of Fertilizers for Sustainable Fish Culture
Suman Kapur